2015-09-12 San Borja to San Ignacio de Moxos


  • Distance: 147 km (91 miles)
  • Max Elevation: 198 m (652 feet)
  • Min Elevation: 103 m (339 feet)
  • Ascent: 523 m (1717 feet)
  • Descent: 469 m (1541 feet)


Mud, mud and more mud. Torrential downpour the previous night and the morning of made the road extremely muddy. Cars, trucks and vans were getting stuck every couple km in the very muddy sections. It was very tiring and difficult and I fell over twice…once in a giant mud puddle that filled my boots and soaked me through and through. The other time my leg got pinned down underneath the bike with my face down in mud. Tucker had even more struggles on the bigger KLR and we were having to pick up the bike countless times. The mud was slick clay that would coat your tires until they were slick. It was impossibly slippery. The surroundings of the road were of beautiful green meadows with cows grazing.



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